

Status: In a Private Collection

Application: Indoor/Outdoor

Signed: KR2015

“Spacetime” is an abstract sculpture that is comprised of new materials and found objects, and it is reflective of my fascination with the origins of our existence. In theoretical physics, the fabric of spacetime is the combination of the three dimensions of space with the fourth dimension of time. According to Einstein’s theory of special relativity, the force of gravity has he ability to bend the fabric of spacetime and, thereby, change the passage of time. No where is this phenomenon more evident than with the gravitation forces of large celestial bodies, like stars and blackholes and “Spacetime” seeks to represent that phenomenon.

The piece is made of 1/8″ weathering steel, welded together with with 309L stainless steel, using the tungsten inert gas welding (TIG) process, to help accent the seams of the piece.

The vortex shape of the piece is representative of the gravitational pull on celestial bodies like planets, stars and galaxies. And at the center of the piece are two stainless steel, dish shaped found objects with circular holes in the center of them, that are faced back-to-back and welded together along the edges of those circular holes. The opposing congruent shapes of the dish shaped centers represent the gravitational bending of spacetime, while the edge around the center opening represents the “event horizon” of a blackhole that leads to the infinitely small (and I would argue non-dimensional) point of singularity. Anytime that I can represent the contemplation of the Universe and the origins of our existence in my art, I will.

The piece is suitable for indoor and outdoor applications and it measures 84″ tall, 30″ wide and 16″ deep. “There” would make a wonderful addition to any garden or yard and would work equally as well for many commercial and residential indoor applications.







Status: In a Private Collection

Application: Indoor/Outdoor

Signed: KR2015

There” is an abstract sculpture that is comprised of new materials, reclaimed materials and found objects, and it is reflective of my fascination with the origins of our existence. As advanced as we have become in our beliefs, mankind has yet to definitively answer some fairly simple questions like: “Where are we?” and “Where do we come from?” And despite this lack of knowledge, one thing is certain… the answers are out “there” where this piece directs our attention.

Although the piece can be pointed towards any direction of outer space, I designed it to point generally towards Polaris (the “North Star”), the star that has guided mankind in in its earthly endeavors of the northern hemisphere for millennia. And it is the general direction of its orientation that currently point to the depths of our Universe, which mankind is currently striving to understand and navigate.

“There”  is made of 1/8″ thick weathering steel, welded together with with 309L stainless steel, using the tungsten inert gas welding (TIG) process, to help accent the seams of the piece. The piece is adorned with stainless steel, “cosmically inspired” found objects that include: a sphere that represents one of the dimensional “particle” structures of the Universe; two discs that represent the typical rotational, gravitational planes upon which celestial bodies move; and finally a shaft with smaller discs along it that progressively reduces its diameter to a focal that points “there” – where the answers are.

Anytime that I can represent the contemplation of the Universe and the origins of our existence in my art, I will.

The piece is suitable for indoor and outdoor applications and it measures 84″ tall, 17″ wide and 40″ deep. “There” would make a wonderful addition to any garden or yard and would work equally as well for many commercial and residential indoor applications.








Status: Not for Sale

Application: Indoor/Outdoor

Signed: KR2016

“Conundrum” is an abstract sculpture that is comprised of new materials, reclaimed materials and found objects, and it is reflective of my decades long obsession with attempting to understand the universe around us. The piece strives to explore the concept of infinity and the conundrum it often presents within the confines of the four dimensions of the spacetime continuum of our universe. To reflect that conundrum, I have turned the infinity symbol from the horizontal plane it is normally represented in, to a vertical plane and I’ve placed it within the confines of a circle, to represent the confines of a dimensional existence.

The piece sits atop a single-vortex shaped base that sits outside the dimensional confines of the piece, representing the gravitational vortexes often found in our Universe and the black holes and “singularities” that theoretically exists at their centers. Singularities are just one example of the “infinity” conundrums that exist in our Universe. The stainless steel disc that is located at the point where the outer edge of the circle joins the center of the base to the vortex, represents the illumination of “where the answers might be” for the “conundrum” … in the conundrum itself.

As my obsession with theoretical physics deepened, and my contemplation with the “conundrum” grew into regular studies, the sculpture Conundrum came to represent part of a solution that I hope to bring to light in the not to distant future. And, in this evolution of understanding that my studies have produced, the circle in Conundrum has also come to represent mathematical “zero” and its intrinsic connection I now believe it has with “infinity.”

Anytime that I can use my art to represent the conundrums that exist in our Universe and our existence, I will.

With the exception of the infinity sign, Conundrum is primarily constructed of found objects. The outer ring that represents the confines of our dimensional universe is a wagon wheel ring from a horse-drawn carriage from the 1800’s. The single-vortex base, that represents the black hole upon which the dimensional universe rests, is a found solid steel object that is three inches thick. The stainless steel circle that represents where the answers to the conundrum can be found is a found piece of 1/4″ thick stainless steel, that was round in shape when I found it. The piece was cut in half and polished.

Pieces like Conundrum are suitable for indoor and outdoor applications. Conundrum measures 55″ tall, by 53″ wide and 18″deep.







© 2016 – Kirt Rebello

Blessed Bonito II

Status: In a Private Collection (Please contact me to make a similar piece.)

Application: Indoor/Outdoor

Signed: KR2015

Saved from the ultimate demise of the melting pot, and happy to have its new purpose in life, the “Blessed Bonito II” is hammer-formed from environmentally friendly, reclaimed stainless-steel materials and beautifully colored by heat. The “Blessed Bonito II” was created after the Blessed Bonito was auctioned off during the Art-Drive‘s 2015 “Bodacious Bonito” fundraising campaign. A wonderful couple missed the auction and asked for another bonito and “Blessed Bonito II” was born. 🙂

Blessed Bonito II is hand-formed from reclaimed T-304 16 Gauge stainless steel and reclaimed 1/8″ T-304 stainless steel rods. The piece was welded together using the Tungsten Inert Gas (T.I.G.) welding process and the color was obtained by oxidizing the stainless with heat. It measures about 30″ in height, 4″ in depth and 47″ in width

Similar fish can be made and personalized with many effects, to include more details, different materials, different stances and other adornments that you might want to make it special.

“Blessed Bonito II” and similar wall hangings are suitable for indoor or outdoor use.

Blessed Bonito II

Blessed Bonito 2

© 2015 – Kirt Rebello


Status: Not for Sale

Application: Indoor/Outdoor

Signed: KR2015

Immersion” is an abstract sculpture that is comprised of new materials, reclaimed materials and found objects, and it is reflective of my fascination with the way in which we struggle with trying to understand our origins and our surroundings.

For quite some time, I have obsessively contemplated the truth about our origins and I’ve found that the interference of certain personal beliefs (be they political, religious and/or scientific) often stand in the way of finding the answers we all so desperately seek. Every aspect of this piece strives to address that and stimulate self-reflection and a deeper level of thinking about the often conflicting ways in which we strain to reconcile facts with our beliefs. Immersion’s almost alien appearance intentionally serves to represent how alien our beliefs can sometimes be from the actual facts… and how ugly they can sometimes be.

In all that exists, there is only one truth, one set of facts, and at the highest point of Immersion is a single stainless steel disc that serves to represent that truth in its purest, unadulterated form. The disc is connected to a stainless steel bar that descends along Immersion’s top and represents the timeline of our lives. As the “disc of truth” connects with timeline of our lives it becomes deformed and discolored, representing how our beliefs in life begin to distort the facts that surround us. Facts are indisputable but when our knowledge of facts is limited, they are consumed by our beliefs.

As you progress down the timeline of life, a second, larger stainless steel disc begins to become immersed into the timeline of life and the rusty sides of the piece. The rusty sides of Immersion represents our limited earthly knowledge of our existence and the beliefs this creates, and the “immersion” of the now growing disc represents how facts often become “more than what they are” when they are immersed into our beliefs. Descending further down the timeline of life, we find that the stainless steel disc has become much larger and fully immersed into the earthly beliefs life instills in us. Facts and truths have become even more diluted by our beliefs and the disc has now formed a small hole that represents the narrow view we’ve established about those facts.

As the timeline of life descends to its end, it drops off and descends down a copper face that cascades down with the rusty sides of Immersion and widens slightly until it terminates into a stainless steel base, now stained by the rust of our earthly beliefs. The descending copper front and rusty sides serve to represent a melding of the facts and beliefs in our lives, as they transition to the “after-life” where beliefs end and only the facts remain … neatly packaged in the confines of a stained, rectangular stainless steel base, that is the stained culmination life. The irony of the “stained stainless steel” is not lost in the design.

Sculptures like Immersion are suitable for indoor and outdoor applications. Immersion measures 68″ tall, by 8″ wide and 13″ deep.








© 2015 – Kirt Rebello

Blessed Bonito

Status: In a Private Collection Up (Please contact me to make a similar piece.)

Application: Indoor/Outdoor

Signed: KR2015

Saved from the ultimate demise of the melting pot, and happy to have its new purpose in life, the “Blessed Bonito” is hammer-formed from environmentally friendly, reclaimed stainless-steel materials and beautifully colored by heat. The “Blessed Bonito” was created for the Art-Drive‘s 2015 “Bodacious Bonito” fundraising campaign, where Art-Drive members are each tasked with making a Bonito in their medium. The Bonitos are displayed in the local area before the Art-Drive, and then auctioned off as part of a fundraising campaign in the days leading up to, and after, the drive.

The Bodacious Bonitos debuted July 27, 2015 at the Westport Rivers Winery’s Friday evening concert and following their debut, they were displayed at various locations in Dartmouth and Westport, MA until the Art-Drive open studio tour August 8th and 9th. The “Blessed Bonito” on display at Dedee Shattuck Gallery until it was auctioned off to help benefit children’s programs at the Lloyd Center for the Environment and the Art-Drive’s artists.

Blessed Bonito is hand-formed from reclaimed T-304 16 Gauge stainless steel, reclaimed 1/8″ T-304 stainless steel rods. The piece was welded together using the Tungsten Inert Gas (T.I.G.) welding process and the color was obtained by oxidizing the stainless with heat. It measures about 30″ in height, 4″ in depth and 47″ in width

Similar fish can be made and personalized with many effects, to include more details, different materials, different stances and other adornments that you might want to make it special.

“Blessed Bonito” and similar wall hangings are suitable for indoor or outdoor use.

Blessed Bonito

Blessed Bonito
Picture courtesy ©2015 Deb Ehrens
Blessed Bonito 3
Picture courtesy ©2015 Deb Ehrens
Blessed Bonito 2
Picture courtesy ©2015 Deb Ehrens
Blessed Bonito 4
Picture courtesy ©2015 Deb Ehrens
Blessed Bonito 5
Picture courtesy ©2015 Deb Ehrens
Blessed Bonito 6

© 2015 – Kirt Rebello

The View

Status: In a Private Collection. (Please contact me to commission a similar piece.)

Application: Indoor/Outdoor

Signed: KR2015

How do you “view the world” and our existence in the Universe and what is your perspective on “what you see?” The answer to this question is unique to each of us and “The View” frames that answer for all that look through it’s window. “The View” is an abstract sculpture that is comprised of new materials, reclaimed materials and found objects. The piece is designed to frame a desired view, encompassing “the view” in a 39″ diameter stainless steel circular frame.

The encompassing view sits atop a slender, cement filled, rectangular base made of weathering steel, that tapers to a forged and polished stainless steel mount. The base is also accented with a polished stainless steel disc at the crux of its taper and the entire piece is welded together using stainless steel in the Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding process.

The piece is suitable for indoor and outdoor applications and it measures 77″ tall, 39″ wide and 20″ deep. Its slender design makes placement of The View versatile and its maintenance-free construction will ensure many decades of indoor/outdoor enjoyment. The View would make a wonderful addition to any garden or yard and would work equally as well for many commercial and residential indoor applications.

The View

The View PVD
(Click on image for larger view.)

The View

The View PVD 2
(Click on image for larger view.)

The View

The View
(Click on image for larger view.)

The View

The View 3
(Click on image for larger view.)

The View

The View 7
(Click on image for larger view.)

The View

The View 4
(Click on image for larger view.)

The View

The View 8
(Click on image for larger view.)

© 2015 – Kirt Rebello

Flounder de Ferrum

Status: In a Private Collection, Similar Reproduction Available.
(Please contact me to make a similar piece.)

Application: Indoor/Outdoor

Signed: KR2014

“Flounder de Ferrum” was created for the Art-Drive‘s 2014 “Flippin Flounder” campaign, where Art-Drive members are each tasked with making a flounder in their medium. The flounders are displayed in the local area before the drive, and then auctioned off as part of a fundraising campaign in the days leading up to, and after, the drive.

The Flippin Flounders debuted July 18th at the Westport Rivers Winery’s Friday evening concert and following their debut, they are displayed at various locations in Dartmouth and Westport, MA until the Art-Drive open studio tour August 9th and 10th.

You can see “Flounder de Ferrum” on display at Partner’s Village Store and Kitchen until August 8, 2014.

On August 9th and 10th the Art Drive will take place and my shop and artwork will be on display and available for purchase. Please feel free to stop by and say hi!

From August 2-12, 2014, the Flippin Flounders will be auctioned off through an EBay Auction. The proceeds from the auction will go to benefit the Lloyd Center for the Environment; the Art-Drive and the individual artists.

Flounder de Ferrum is hand-formed and english wheeled from T-304 16 Gauge stainless steel and molten stainless steel for the eyes and other features. The piece was welded together using the Tungsten Inert Gas (T.I.G.) welding process and the patina was obtained by oxidizing the stainless with heat. It measures about 22″ in height, 4″ in depth and 42″ in width

Similar fish can be made and personalized with many effects, to include more details, different materials, different stances and other adornments that you might want to make it special.

“Flounder de Ferrum” and similar wall hangings are suitable for indoor or outdoor use.

Flounder de Ferrum









© 2014 – Kirt Rebello

Comedy/Drama Theater Masks – “Dos Cabezas Grande”


Status: In a Private Collection, Similar Reproduction Available. (Please contact me to make a similar piece.)

Application: Indoor/Outdoor

Signed: KR2014

Although I have done several renditions of the “Comedy-Drama” theater masks for clients across the country, the commission for this set of masks was a wonderful opportunity for me to expand the limits of my artistic capabilities and test the limits of my tools… so much so, that I felt the pieces should be named something grand, and so “Dos Cabezas Grande” were born!

Primarily hand-formed from T-304 16 Gauge stainless steel, I was able to attain greater depth in the dimensions of the masks by tackling a long-overdue task of building my own “junkyard power-hammer.” You can check out a short video of the power hammer I built below.

Each mask measures about 36″ in height and 24″ in width, and the size and dimensions proved to be a little too much for my 47 year-old shoulders and my 24 year-old planishing hammer. While hammering the masks and smoothing with the planishing hammer, the planishing hammer broke and the desire for a power hammer quickly turned into a need.

Once the power-hammer was put in service the masks moved along quickly and soon headed to their new home in sunny California! Also incorporated into the masks are reclaimed 3/8″, 1/4″ and 3/16″ stainless steel rods and puddles of molten stainless steel are used to replicate the tears of joy and tragedy. Unlike the smaller versions of the theater masks that are connected together, “Dos Cabezas Grande” were designed to be individually hung. Each mask is welded together using the Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding process.

Similar masks can be made and personalized with many effects, to include more details, different materials (like copper), and other adornments and facial expressions that you might want.

The Comedy-Tragedy Theater Masks and similar wall hangings are suitable for indoor or outdoor use.

Comedy-Tragedy Theater Masks









Both Flat

© 2014 – Kirt Rebello

Copper Weathervane Base

Status: In a Private Collection, Similar Reproduction Available.
(Please contact me to make a similar piece.)

Application: Indoor/Outdoor

Signed: KR2014

This copper weathervane base was made for a client who salvaged this weathervane from a home they lost to fire. The weathervane was atop their garage and survived the fire and they wanted to prominently display it in their new home, as a memento of their old home.

The base is hand-formed from .080″ thick copper and a 1″ stainless steel through the center to accept the post. The piece was welded together using the Tungsten Inert Gas (T.I.G.) welding process and the patina was obtained by oxidizing the copper with a “special solution.” It measures 12″ in height, 12″ in depth and 12″ in width

Similar bases can be made to display other forms of art and they can be personalized with many effects, to include more details, different materials, different shapes and other adornments that you might want to make it special.

Bases can be designed for indoor or outdoor use.

Weathervane Base

weathervane base

© 2014 – Kirt Rebello